Spin: A free-style indoor cycling workout that challenges you to push through barriers to reach the next level of fitness. All levels of fitness welcome!
Get ready to embark on your life changing journey in this introduction to posture alignment & yoga philosophy in a nurturing environment.
A combination of popular boxing techniques such as punching bags & focus pads. The ultimate sweat out of strength and cardio.
A fun class set to music in our hydrotherapy pool that uses the resistance of water to tone your body.
The fastest way to tone & lose body fat. A conditioning barbell class with great music & simple choreography to get you into shape in no time.
Gentle exercise under the instruction of our Exercise Physiologist’s in a social environment with a focus on fall prevention and a better quality of life.
A class that provides major health benefits. Creates long muscles and toning & sculpting of your whole body. Improves joint movements & flexibility.
A non-contact, martial arts-based fitness program with moves drawn from Karate, Tae Kwan Do, Kung Fu, kickboxing, Muay Thai, & Tai Chi.
YangYoga aims to target muscles and blood flow in the body by creating a more active practice which focuses on flow, strength, movement & breath.
While YinYoga is a slower practice where poses (asanas) are passively held for longer, working on the deep, connective tissues & joints in the body.
Les Mills Core: A revolutionary 30-minute class that will strengthen & tone all the muscles in your core, improving overall functional strength.
A dance fusion of Latin & International music that creates a dynamic, exciting & effective workout. You’ll behaving so much fun you’ll hardly know you’re burning calories!
A flowing blend of Yoga, Thai Chi & Pilates that builds flexibility, joint & bone strength.
This class finishes with meditation to relieve you from the stress and strain of daily life.