How To Manage Your Profile
11) To cancel an upcoming lesson, click on the ‘Student Bookings’ heading in the menu bar to the left of the screen. Choose the date of the booking and then click ‘Cancel’
12) To schedule a Makeup Lesson, click on the ‘Make Up Credits’ tab heading in the menu bar to the left of the screen. Credits from previously cancelled lessons will appear. Click ‘Use Make Up’, and available lessons in the same level as the previously cancelled lesson will appear. When you find a suitable replacement lesson, click ‘Book Make Up Session’. A pop-up notification will appear briefly to confirm that the makeup lesson has been booked
13) To view what skills your child has learnt, go to the menu bar along the top of the screen and click on ‘Students’ then click on ‘Student List’. Your child’s profile will load with a list of the skills they have mastered during their lessons